New name, new posts, new plans

Posted: November 6, 2023

1 minute read

If you’ve been following us you’ve likely noticed that we’ve changed our name and URL, we’re now simply The near-term plan is to be able to image remotely. The weather that we’ve been having lately has been very flaky, often not worth the 45-minute drive (especially in the summer, when it feels like there’s only a few hours of darkness) Out with the old (pier).

New camera and filter wheel

Posted: August 1, 2021

1 minute read

Undersampling: that’s what happens when the camera you use has pixels that are too big for your focal length and seeing conditions. It’s also something that can cause soft images.

I have a porch!

Posted: April 1, 2021

less than 1 minute read

One issue that I had early on was getting to the astroshed. Not the drive (well, the South Carolina roads do leave a bit to be desired). No, it was the little OSB plywood walkway.

Messier Marathon, take one

Posted: March 22, 2019

1 minute read

A beautiful night at the Astro Shed. The plan? Image as many of the Messier objects as I can.

Introducing The Astro Shed

Posted: February 17, 2019

less than 1 minute read

With the Astroshed nearly complete I thought that it was time to post some pictures of the progress and what all has gone into this project.