First remote imaging: Veil Nebula and M101

Posted: June 9, 2024

less than 1 minute read

Another quick post. I have finally had my first night imaging remotely, and everything actually worked!

Quickshot: The Crescent Nebula - NCG 6888

Posted: May 31, 2024

less than 1 minute read

Still working out the kinks in my full automation routine but making progress

Quick shot of M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy

Posted: April 15, 2024

less than 1 minute read

In my quest to image remotely I needed a dry run.

Remote imaging thwarted by reboots: The death of an Eagle

Posted: February 19, 2024

2 minute read

I’ve been (very) slowly getting my imaging rig and shed up to snuff for some remote imaging. I’ve got various stages of automation underway, including Slack notifications for when my control computer (a PrimaluceLab Eagle) reboots or if the retrieval of weather data from the club’s sensor fails. Early December I noticed an uptick in reboots but didn’t think anything of it, but it turns out that it was the beginning of the end, signaling the death of an Eagle.

How I keep my astro images organized

Posted: November 20, 2023

5 minute read

Astrophotography is a pretty data-heavy hobby. One night of imaging can result in dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of images. In this post I’ll go over my plans to keep them organized, especially now that I’m starting to image remotely.

New name, new posts, new plans

Posted: November 6, 2023

1 minute read

If you’ve been following us you’ve likely noticed that we’ve changed our name and URL, we’re now simply The near-term plan is to be able to image remotely. The weather that we’ve been having lately has been very flaky, often not worth the 45-minute drive (especially in the summer, when it feels like there’s only a few hours of darkness) Out with the old (pier).

New camera and filter wheel

Posted: August 1, 2021

1 minute read

Undersampling: that’s what happens when the camera you use has pixels that are too big for your focal length and seeing conditions. It’s also something that can cause soft images.

I have a porch!

Posted: April 1, 2021

less than 1 minute read

One issue that I had early on was getting to the astroshed. Not the drive (well, the South Carolina roads do leave a bit to be desired). No, it was the little OSB plywood walkway.

Messier Marathon, take one

Posted: March 22, 2019

1 minute read

A beautiful night at the Astro Shed. The plan? Image as many of the Messier objects as I can.

Introducing The Astro Shed

Posted: February 17, 2019

less than 1 minute read

With the Astroshed nearly complete I thought that it was time to post some pictures of the progress and what all has gone into this project.