About this Site
This site focuses primarily on my endeavors in astrophotography– gear, process,
software, and, of course, targets & images. I reserve the right to delve
into other topics that are loosely related to astrophotography– If I have to
pack it into the van for a night observing then it is fair game. Posts will be
tagged appropriately so readers don’t have to suffer through topics they aren’t
interested in.
This site is very much a work in progress. Really only the overall look is how I want it. There is not yet a commenting system (which makes sense, since there is not really anything to comment on). Odds are that, once I get my permanent observatory set up, I will also start recording some video content. We will see how that goes - I have been told that “I have a face for radio”. That’s good, right?
Getting Around
This site has a pretty simple layout - it’s all static thanks to jekyll, and should be fairly responsive. At the top you see a main navigation bar. The top left corner has the site title which will always get you back to the root level. Navigation is broken up into “posts” and “notes”.
Posts are like journal entries, happening at a point in time. They will contain
tags, which tell you the main topic. I don’t have the list of tags yet, but
you can be sure that astrophotography
and image
will be in the mix. You can
find posts by either date or by tag.
Notes, on the other hand, are more “timeless”. These might be tutorials or little one-offs. Full disclosure here - I won’t know what goes where until I actually put up some content, but I promise that I will update this doc when I do. Unless I forget.
For hosting I leverage GitHub Pages and Jekyll, and use a somewhat tweaked version of the minimal-mistakes theme, with a dark color palette.
If you’d like to see what I’ve tweaked, you can always fork the repo.
Some handy documents for the theme: